Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Dates Candy

DATES CANDY? May be we can call it a bar. Yup DATES BAR sounds better.
 Had this at a friend's place. He had this at his office when someone brought this during a festive season. I didn't really like it because I'm not a big fan of dates but my folks loved it because of the surprising element which popped in your mouth with every bite. So got the recipe from our friend who gave me approximate measurements and it took a few trials to reach perfection and the perfectionist is "Zei". Its pretty easy to make and stores well for about a month but refrigerated after a week, just in case and warm it up whenever you feel like having it. And the recipe credit goes to our friend, Brother Ismail.


Dates             - 1 cup (Chopped)
Almonds        - 1/2 cup (Chopped)
Edible Gum   - 1/4 cup
Poppy Seeds - 2 Tblsp
Ghee             - 4 Tblsp


            In a pan, roast the chopped dates in 2 tablespoon ghee, remove from the stove and keep them aside. Again add a tablespoon of ghee in the pan and roast the almond pieces. I usually prefer toasted almonds over raw because it gives that extra crunch. Remove and keep aside. Lower the flame and add another tablespoon or two of ghee in the pan and roast the edible gum. The edible gum, usually a thick yellowish brown stone like thing which eventually changes to pale color and bulges in size. At this stage remove from fire and break into pieces in a processor or a mortar and pestle . Now mix the roasted dates, almonds and the gum together and roll into the shape of a log. In a separate plate take the poppy seeds and roll the log over to cover and coat completely in poppy seeds. Cover with a wax paper and refrigerate for about an hour or two. Later slice them and serve.

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